Southview Animal Hospital
As a client, you are responsible for:
Maintaining respectful behavior (including voice & language) towards other clients and hospital personnel.
Reading and understanding our client code of conduct and being conscious of the consequences of disorderly conduct.
Abiding by administrative and operational policies, including leash/carrier requirements, payment, and appointment scheduling & cancellation policies.
Disclosing accurate and complete information about your animal(s) health and medical history, including behavioral issues that may affect the safety of other patients or hospital personnel.
Asking questions if you don’t understand.
Recognizing the reality of risks and limits of the science of veterinary medical care.
Reading and understanding any consent forms and/or estimates that you sign.
Maintaining the awareness of Southview Animal Hospital’s obligation to provide timely, equitable care to other patients.
Meeting financial obligations.
As a client, you have the right to:
Be treated with consideration, respect, and compassion by all members of our staff.
Discuss your pet’s health care needs in confidence with our knowledgeable staff.
Participate in your pet’s health care by making informed decisions.
Receive accurate information and a thorough explanation of your pet’s health conditions and treatment options.
Accept or decline diagnostic testing or treatment(s) for your animal(s) and the right to be informed of the consequences of refusing said diagnostic(s) or treatment(s).
Be informed of costs associated with your pet’s examination, diagnostics, and treatments.
An explanation of Southview Animal Hospital’s policies, including payment policies.
A fair, fast, and objective review of any complaint submitted to Southview Animal Hospital management.